
Photographing The Magic In Childhood in San Diego, CA

tanya velázquez


For a really really long time, Monica had wanted a puppy and I wasn’t too sure we could handle the amount of energy it would require. But then I thought, “Oreo needs a buddy.” So here she is, Baylor the pup. We decided to name her Baylor since that’s where we both graduated from and it just sounds cool. She’s growing up so fast, it’s crazy! The first four photos were taken 2.28.12 and the last two 3.28.12. We’ll see how much she’s grown on 4.28.12. But don’t let her looks fool you. She’s not as innocent as she appears. Just ask my couch or books!

Baylor the pup at 10 weeks old

Baylor the pup at 10 weeks old. Profile photo

I love how Oreo doesn’t even notice the camera anymore…

Baylor the puppy at 13 weeks.  Sun flare photo