5 Tips for Awesome Family Photos

Get Some Help

Our biggest tip for awesome family photos is to ask a family member or friend for help! We know how challenging it can be getting out of the house for a simple grocery store trip. Let alone out the house and felling cute!
Get someone who is super comfortable with the kids, it could be a babysitter, a grandparent, or a cousin! That way they can help keep the stress levels low and help keep things fun before the session!
It takes a village! Can I get a “heck yeah!”

Get the kids excited

Bring up how much fun the photos will be and bring them up a LOT before the session! The kids will start to think of the photos as a fun family activity instead of something they HAVE to do.

On the day of the session, we’ll treat the session as a fun family activity. We’ll all play silly games and run around like wild! Stiff photos are not what we’re all about. It’s the photos where you’re laughing so hard you’re slapping your knee that is the most perfect!

Let the Kids Pick Their Outfits

Have you ever noticed when kids pick out their clothes how proud they are of their achievement? I’m not saying it’s always possible, but getting the kids involved in their outfits helps with their confidence.
The same goes for the parents! Pick an outfit that you feel great in. I know that sounds easier said than done but here are some tips:

-If you’re shopping for new clothes, pick a store that you LOVE and shop often. That way you’ll know it fits makes shopping less stressful.

-You don’t have to match, look like you’re going to the same place! Katy and I struggle with this in our daily life. She always looks so put together and so cute, I usually look like I’m going to bar for wings and a beer. We’re working on it!

-Have a few outfit options, and choose the day of depending on your mood!

It’s all about the nap time.

I know it’s easier said than done! Kids as we know are happier when they’re fed, napped, and entertained. Having nap time over about an hour before the session is great. That way they’re not groggy and fussy from being asleep on the car ride to the session.
But rest assured, we’ll have a great time, even if they do doze off. Katy has a way of getting ALL kids laughing and being silly! I’ll be there to egg them on and a quick draw of the camera.

Have a wild time! Have a blast!

I have this photo of Katy and me from a friend trip we took a few years ago, it’s a photo of us just cracking up! I love seeing that photo, we’re leaning in towards each other and you can tell we were having a great time. That’s what the feeling I want you to have every time you walk by those photos in your hallway. I want your kids to grow up remembering and loving the yearly family photo tradition.
I have this theory that confident kids grow up with photos of themselves around the house. I think it’s something to do with allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. And growing up encouraged to be vulnerable and silly is a priceless lesson!
P.s. Good on ya for getting “find a photographer” off your to-do list!

Check out our investment page to learn more and schedule your family photos today!

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